Soft opening this Sat 9th Dec, 11am onwards, if you are in Liverpool pop in, Ian will be there for Tea, Cake and photographic natter. All welcome
A small show of 12 images from the ‘Liverpool’ series, at the Gallery room of The Real Camera Company shop, Liverpool. A great source of all things photographic, especially film based equipment.
Show runs – 9th Dec – Ongoing
Tell It Like It Is, is a collaborative project between photographer Ian Clegg and writer Laura Robertson. The image text relationship is used to draw out the range of emotions, hope, melancholy, in the face of the shifting nature of the city. The exhibition consists of 1980s photographs that introduce a new perspective on the city from the views of a Liverpool resident and photographer.
Themes of change, creativity, and feelings of belonging run through these images like threads tied together, showing the many faces of Liverpool over the years. Here, the archive acts as a way of showing that Liverpool is a city for everyone.
The Real Camera Company, Gallery room, 7 Hatton Garden, just off Dales St.
Liverpool L3 2FE